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Why Tebex Sites are better than Tebex Themes

Learn how Tebex Sites are better than Tebex Themes, and why you should use them instead.

Why Tebex Sites are better than Tebex Themes


Traditionally, when you want a custom or unique Tebex store experience, you will need to purchase and install a Tebex Theme. This is currently the most popular way to have a unique Tebex store, however, after Tebex Headless API was released, we have seen a lot of people using it to create their own Tebex stores.

Tebex Themes

Tebex Themes are the traditional way to have a unique Tebex store. They are pre-made templates that you can purchase and install on your store. Here are some keys points with Tebex Themes:

  • Tebex themes require a Tebex Plus plan which starts from £12.49 per month.
  • Tebex themes are not as customizable as Tebex Sites.
  • Tebex themes generally look and feel very similar due to restrictions in layout and design.
  • Installing Tebex themes is a very long and tedious process
  • There are usually a lot of Tebex themes to chose from

Although widely popular, Tebex themes make it very difficult to have a unique store experience for your customers. This is why we suggest using new Tebex Standalone Sites instead. Although not widely used yet, Tebex Standalone Sites are a new way to have a unique store experience for your customers, while taking the stress and restrictions of Tebex Themes away.

Tebex Sites

Tebex Sites are a new way to have a unique store experience for your customers. They are pre-made websites that you can purchase and install on your store. Here are some keys points with Tebex Sites:

  • Tebex Sites do not require a Tebex Plus plan.
  • Tebex sites allow you to add extra unique pages and functionality to your website
  • Tebex Sites are a lot more customizable than Tebex Themes.
  • Tebex Sites are generally more unique and modern looking.
  • Installing Tebex Sites is a very quick and easy process. (Takes 2 minutes)
  • You can host Tebex sites for free for life
  • You can edit the code of the website using an IDE, instead of having to edit each HTML/CSS file individually.


Tebex Sites are a new way to have a unique store experience for your customers. They are not as popular as Tebex Themes because they are not as widely known yet, but they are a lot more customizable and easier to use. We suggest using Tebex Sites instead of Tebex Themes if you want a unique store experience for your customers.

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